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How To Add Music To Your Blog Or Website

If you're wondering how to add music to your blog or website, there are a few different ways to do it. We have just a couple, very basic examples here. One way, if you have a Midi, mp3, wav file etc. and you want a simple link to your music, then add this HTML code:

<a href="yourmusicfile.mp3">Click here to play music</a>

If you want to embed music onto your website or blog, this is how we have it set up on Band Weblogs Podcast Show page:

<embed src="yourmusicfile.mp3" width="144" height="74" type="audio/mpeg" autostart="false" loop="false" bgcolor="white"></embed>

('In My Mind'):

You can adjust the size attributes as well as whether or not the song has an autostart, loop, background color etc.

You can find more information by using the google search above with search terms like: adding music to website.

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